
Royal Mail – Local Action Plans 2008/09

The purpose of this SIM is to outline the approach for the development and implementation of Local Action Plans in a further 10 Royal Mail Areas during 2008-9. This work contributes towards the Large Organizations Partnership Pilot (LOPP) targets for Royal Mail Group, and builds on the work initiated in 2007/8 (see SIM 05/2007/04, paragraphs 7 – 18).


1 To achieve jointly established health and safety targets within an agreed time period. To promote sustainable improvement through directly involving Royal Mail’s Area Management Teams and the Trade Unions (TUs) in the management of health and safety.


2 Last year, the Royal Mail project proposed the development of Local Action Plans for 10 Royal Mail Areas (see SIM 05/2007/04 for details). It is intended that a further 10 Areas be included in the project during 2008/9, with the last remaining areas joining the scheme in 2009/10.

3 Building on the work undertaken last year, and following discussions between LOPP Partners, this SIM introduces new guidance on:

* A compulsory target relating to Walk Risk Assessments (paragraph 16);

* The use of Local Action Plan Record Sheets (paragraph 19); and

* Updated guidance in relation to enforcement (paragraphs 21 & 22).

4 Where work towards existing Local Action Plans remains outstanding, perhaps as the result of industrial action, then this work should be completed.

5 In areas not already subject to a Local Action Plan or in those where Local Action Plans have been completed, normal inspection and enforcement activity should continue.